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What do people define as a friend?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: What do people define as a friend?

This is something that always puzzled me in a sense, but at the same time it's kind of opinion I guess too. I've read many profile that say "friends first". Wow, I don't know what to make of it, but I have my own ideas about that. In my opinion I feel that alot of people get the words "friends" and "aquantances" mixed up. I think of a friend(at least a real one) as someone we have shared experiences with, something we earned throughout time mutually, people that recipricate 100%(give and take), people we can rely on mutually when we are able to help each other and also total communication on all levels. I think of an aquantances as someone we are friendly with, someone we might hang out with here and there, someone that we have things we can talk about, but these are also people that are not really reliable to ever be there for you, they come and go throughout our lives, they always have priorities over us and sometimes will refer to us as friends even though that's not the case. An aquantance is not a bad thing at all, but I feel it should never be confused with what a friend is. Now here's where I'm going to make a point and anyone that reads this may agree or disagree.

The people that say friends first on a dating profile my question to them is what happens to these so called friends once you find the love of your life? If I really viewed someone as a friend then I personally could not dump on them if I had found a significant other. But if these people were only aquantances then that would be no problem to most people I've encounter and I'm not saying that a good thing. I know if I was with a woman and they where still friendly with ever single man from the dating website we met on then it would kind of rub me the wrong way. It's not that I wouldn't trust her, but me being a man I wouldn't trust them especially since I don't know them. This is why I never make any promises of being friends with anyone I meet on a dating website and I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but it's most likely that person would be an aquantances more than anything else. I was once told you should only be able to count your real friends on less than one hand and this I do believe. So many people think they have a ton of friend, but when they have a major problem then they'll find that out.

Just my opinion and everyone have a great day .

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I use the word friend too loosely I think its cause I'm Newfie...I say friend when I guess I should say acquaintances...but to say I'd never be friends with people on a dating site is not something that I would do, but I don't knock you for it...whoever I end up with I want to be my best friend I want to be able to talk to them about everything and feel that they will be there for me through thick and thin, if you don't trust some of the people you talk to here how can it ever progress, if that is what you want...and that whatever woman you end up with you won't like talking to other men on the dating site, well what about in the outside world? what's the difference single is single, that's where trust comes in...I respect your opinion, and I am just giving mine, that's the good thing about em is that everyone has one...I hope you end up with more friends and less acquaintances...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

``" This is why I never make any promises of being friends with anyone I meet on a dating website and I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but it's most likely that person would be an aquantances more than anything else.".

This is what I wrote that you were referring to. Please don't put words in my mouth I never wrote. If you clearly read this. Never said that wouldn't be friend with someone. I said I'd never promise to be friends. There's a difference between a promise and flatout saying never.

Please read what I write carefully before you quote it.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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former member default image - bird flying away

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I know what I read and maybe I didn't quote it verbatim but it isn't always hard to read between the lines or interpret what is being said, I am not saying anything your opinion, just gave mine, so ease up on the defensive, its not an attack...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

nicki wrote: `I know what I read and maybe I didn't quote it verbatim but it isn't always hard to read between the lines or interpret what is being said, I am not saying anything your opinion, just gave mine, so ease up on the defensive, its not an attack...

I'm not knocking your opinion, speak it all you want, I just don't care for words being put in my mouth that I didn't say.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Dating sites

I feel frustrated with these dating sites as I have met some interesting people
from around the US and the world and so far, I have seen promise to see it be taken away due to the distance. Before this, I have been struck with women that I did not like as I had a freshman college girl named Anastasia whop would not hug or hold hands unless I was engaged to her. A secret admirer catch up with me who was a lot like my ex and was gross in hygiene with falling teeth. I am wanting to have someone who is real and of more of my caliber and social status.

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March 15, 2011
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Dating sites
Reply with quote
khmerlove wrote: I feel frustrated with these dating sites as I have met some interesting people
from around the US and the world and so far, I have seen promise to see it be taken away due to the distance. Before this, I have been struck with women that I did not like as I had a freshman college girl named Anastasia whop would not hug or hold hands unless I was engaged to her. A secret admirer catch up with me who was a lot like my ex and was gross in hygiene with falling teeth. I am wanting to have someone who is real and of more of my caliber and social status.

Dang that sounds quite disturbing. The last girl you're talking about that is. One of the main things people should keep top notch is hygiene and a minty fresh breath at all times. Why her teeth are bad is beyond me. Yuck

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